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The 1st Relationship Destroyer – MISTAKING INFATUATION FOR LOVE.

Mistaking infatuation for love is quite literally the first relationship destroyer because all romantic relationships begin with at least some level of infatuation. Infatuation itself is not a bad thing, as long as you know what you’re dealing with and avoid losing yourself in it. Yes, the more you surrender to it the better the emotional high you get, but are you prepared for the equal and opposite emotional low that inevitably follows when the infatuation wears off? And make no mistake, it will! What you are feeling is NOT TRUE LOVE, no matter what your friends, your grandma, or some deluded romantic poets think!

The only way to escape this monster is to go beyond the fantasy in our head and get to know the real person we’re infatuated with in order to build a lasting deeper connection. Liking the good stuff about someone and ignoring their imperfections is easy but unsustainable, to stay anchored in reality we need to unpack everything and learn to accept and appreciate it all as part of the complete person they are. Sounds easy right? Let me tell you, learning to accept and love someone that completely is the most difficult thing that you will ever be called upon to do in your entire life. But if you succeed it is also the most rewarding thing you will ever have done. Not only will you have learned to truly love them as they are, but by extension you will also have learned to love yourself more completely.

If you nedd help to balance out an infatuation and ground your relationship, or if you notice your love life is a repetitive pattern of infatuation followed by disappointment and resentment, connect with us at Global Awakening Institute to find out how we can help you to solve your issue. Contact Us

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